Live NETTV Streaming Online

This is online world. Most of our daily life spent on it. Watching Television to spent leisure is now becoming an world fashion. However, television streaming can be watched online. So, if you have online facilities than you need not have to miss your favaorite TV program.
Live NetTV Streaming Online -- Nettv logo
Nettv logo

Live Nettv 

Live Nettv is internet based live TV Steaming website. This website offers many channel free of cost of some other with few sum of money you can purchase either individual channel or the package for desire interval of time that may be for a day, week or a month. This don't let you miss your favorite TV shows or Movies. You can watch any shows any channels for 24 hours.

Create Account on Live Nettv  

You can create account on Nettv to begin live nettv streaming. The procedure include:
  1. Go to home page of Live Nettv
  2. Click on User login in right corner and on Mobile/web in dropdown.
  3. You would be directed to Live Nettv Homepage. You can create account on it in this page.
  4. Live NETTV Steaming Online -- register
    Register the account
  5. If you have already have an account you can login with your email and password for the Nettv. Here, I guess you don't have account for now. So, click on "Register Now".
  6. Now, fill up the details as shown in figure below. 
  7. Careful in the spot with redmark and provide necessary details.
  8. Don't forget to Checkmark  on square box in left bottom corner.

Load NetTv Account from eSewa

There are many free channels in NetTv however if you like to purchase any channel or package for certain period of time you should have your balance in your account. You need to have eSewa account to load required amount to make the purchase. You can load from other means as well but here I will explain to load NetTv Account form eSewa. See : How to Create eSewa Account.
Live NETTV Steaming Online -- load NetTV from eSewa
Load NetTV from eSewa

Click on TV Payment and NetTV topup.
Then enter your email of NetTv user id. and click on Check.
Live NETTV Steaming Online --- Nettv email for loading from esewa
Enter your email of NetTv userId
Now the following dialogue box appear. From here you can directly purchase the package from down arrow selection. Here I am doing Topup in which you can transfer fun to NetTv as per your need not less than Rs. 10. and also depends which channel you want to purchase.
This box shows your profile Name, your balance in NetTv. Select package and check box.
Check on checkbox to topup.
Live NETTV Steaming Online -- load amount from eSewa
You would see some changes when checking on Topup Balance. Insert your amount to recharge NetTv account with and then click Procedd there after. Confirm your transaction. And see on: Live NetTv profile wheather you received or not.
Live NETTV Steaming Online -- topup amont from eSewa

Now, you can purchase the channel of your wish.
 For the demo purpose I click on CNN channel to stated to buy with Red badge. Then the windows appear like this:
The price of CNN channel is 0.66 per day, Rs. 3.30 per week and Rs. 9.90 per month. Then click Next for confirming your purchase.
Click Buy for confirmation
When you buy the channel the changes you see are:
There you can see the differences on the index before and after you purchase a channel.
Before purchase
After purchase

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