Nepal Open Source Klub, NOSK
NOSK, also Nepal Open Source Klub, has been around from 2008, and is initiated by the free and open source enthusiasts at Nepal College of Information Technology (NCIT). NOSK organizes and facilitates many of the technical activities that are held at college, and has been organizing "Software Freedom Day (SFD)" in Nepal
Learn more NOSK NCIT.
This year, the SFD falls on September 21. NOSK was listed as one of the most deserving teams in 2010 and 2016 event, and we aren't settling there. As we've always been, we're committed to making this year's event larger and useful than ever before and win over our past self. The event's success can largely be attributed to the helping hands, college and sponsors, whose support has been instrumental in helping our participants during the event.

Learn more NOSK NCIT.
Event Details
Software Freedom Day is the worldwide event celebrated by all the Open Source enthusiasts. Every year it is celebrated on third Saturday of September. This year Nepal Open Source Klub, NOSK is going to celebrate on the 21st of September. The event includes both technical as well as non-technical events most of them are partially or fully devoted to Open Source promotion.
Free entrance for everyone:).
Date: 21st September 2019 (२०७६ - असोज - ४)
Time: 10 AM Onwards
Venue: Nepal College of Information Technology, Balkumari, Lalitpur.
Events and Timing
- Introduction to Open Source 10:00–11:00
- Workshops 11:00–16:00
- Professional Project Management using GitHub 11:00–16:00
- Mobile App Development using Flutter 11:00–16:00
- TechTalks
- Cyber Security and Open Source (Speaker: Er. Kumar Pudasaini) 11:00–12:00
- Quantam Computing: The Present and the Future (Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sashidhar Ram Joshi) 12:30–13:30
- TensorFlow (Speaker: Er. Dipesh Das) 14:00–15:00
- NOSKode 3.0 10:00–16:00
- Hackathon (Debian Repository Server) 10:00–16:00
- Distro Demo (Ubuntu, Manjaro, Kali, Fedora and Debian) 10:00–16:00
- Non-Technical Events (Photo Booth, Gaming such as Tower of Hanoi, Dart), 3D Movie Show, and Food Stalls) 10:00–16:00
During 1980s and before, Source code for the software were free and can be user by any individuals, Business models on those days were on Hardware. Software was freely provided by companies with their hardware machine. In late 1970s and early 1980s, computer manufacturer starts to provide only the binary copy of their software, providing users no right to edit and modify not ever to understand how it works. In the mean time some companies starts selling the software only. Business based on hardware are shifted to software by then.
In 1983, Richard Stallman, announced the GNU project, saying that he had become frustrated with the effects of the change in culture of the computer industry and its users. Software development for the GNU operating system began in January 1984, and the Free Software Foundation (FSF) was founded in October 1985.
The GNU Project is a free-software, mass-collaboration project, first announced on September 27, 1983 aim is to give computer users freedom and control in their use of their computers and computing devices, by collaboratively developing and providing software that is based on the following freedom rights:
- users are free to run the software
- share it (copy, distribute)
- study it
- modify it.
GNU software guarantees these freedom-rights legally (via its license), and is therefore free software; the use of the word “free” always being taken to refer to freedom. GNU is a recursive acronym meaning “GNU’s not Unix”). Richard Stallman defines free software as a matter of liberty, not price.
Free and open-source software is a computer software which are free (in term of freedom) software and Open source (ie. Source code is openly shared so that people are encouraged to voluntarily improve the design / performance of the software.) Software. Anyone is freely licensed to use, copy, study, and change the software in any way. The main benefits of Free and opensource software can me listed as, Decreasing software cost, increasing security and stability, protecting privacy and giving users more control. FOSS are those software which are controlled by user, not user controlling software.
Why SFD?
Our goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business — in short, everywhere!
Objectives of SFD:
- To celebrate software freedom and the people behind it
- To foster a general understanding of software freedom, and encourage adoption of free software and open standards
- To create more equal access to opportunities through the use of participatory technologies
- To promote constructive dialogue on responsibilities and rights in the information society
Software Freedom Day, SFD is an annual worldwide event celebration of FOSS. NOSK is going to celebrate on the 21st of September. Free software as a matter of liberty, not price. This global event aims to educate the public about the benefits of using FOSS at home, school, government, virtually everywhere.