Here, in this post, syllabus, Notes, and questions related to Master programs related to forestry. All the sources based on the syllabus of the Institute of Forestry (IOF), Tribhuvan University (TU).
If you are worried about this kind of documents, now you are in right place. I am trying to collect and share these among all. Hope this would be easy to prepare for the study. You find the notes of each semester on this site.
Your suggestions and comments are of greater importance for the improvement of this site. So, hopefully, I will get to add up the content and improve the errors to make an easily accessible note site for forestry students.
Get the syllabus here.
Special Link: To the Index of Research Thesis.
You can mail me the content especially that which not included on this page but you found it important and you like to include that on this page.
Subjects and corresponding Forestry Programs are tabulated below.
Notation for forestry programs:
Forestry: M.Sc. Forestry
WM : M.Sc. Watershed Management
NRMRD : M.Sc. Natural Resource Management and Rural Development
CF : M.Sc. Community Forestry
Semester |
Subject |
Question |
Forestry |
WM |
CF |
F I R S T Y E A R F I R S T S E M E S T E R |
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Change: Science, Impact and Adaptation |
Ecology and Management |
and Rural Development |
Management in NRM |
Ecology |
Analysis and Tenure Reform in NRM |
Semester |
Subject |
Question |
Forestry |
WM |
CF |
F I R S T Y E A R S E C O N D S E M E S T E R |
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Analysis and Data Management |
√ |
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√ |
Soil and
Water Conservation Engineering |
Society and
Forestry |