Tribhuwan University Central Library |
Tribhuwan University has invested 32 lakhs (3.2 million) Rupees for software installment for the service. All the affiliated college of TU and other campuses which have made an agreement with the central library could able to access materials free of cost.
How to get access to the e-library of TU Central Library?
- Go to the official site of Tribhuwan University Central Library. (
- There you get the link to fill up the form to access the e-resources of the central library.
- Or, click here to fill up the request form.
- You have to provide official mail provided to the student by Tribhuwan University otherwise the request wouldn't be accepted.
- The mail provided by your college may not be the official mail provided by Tribhuwan University. If you don't have the official mail from Tribhuwan University then concern your respective campus to request the mail.
- The TU official mail has the suffix:
- For example mine, my TU official mail: [email protected]; Here pc means Pokhara Campus. (---- represent 4 digits)
- When the form is filled in 3 days or sometimes more days, the request would be accepted. You would get the email in the same TU official mail.
- You can access the mail from login Use TU's official mail-in Email section and your password.
- If you are login for the first time your password is provided by your campus. You have to change the given password when you get access for the first time.
- When you able to log in to your mail. Then you have to go to the given link to approve the process. Then you are connected to the database of e-resources.
- Following these steps, you would able to access e-resources. You can search available materials in the database.
Other Important links related to the online documents.
- Tribhuwan University Central Library Digital Repository
- TU Central Library; Library Online Catalogue
- NepJOL Database
- International Network for the Availability for Scientific Publication (INASP) and International Council for Science (ICSU) INASP/SRKS Online Journals