How To Boost Affiliate Marketing Sales In Nepal

 Hello, welcome to another article on bloggernepal. In the past, we had already discussed a lot about affiliate marketing. In this article, we will talk about very important matters. You are here, which means you have already started or are about to start affiliate marketing. I know it is very difficult for the start-up but, you know every successful affiliate marketers were once a beginner like you. So, do not lose hope. In this article, we will talk about how you can boost your affiliate marketing sales like a pro. Before we move ahead, make sure to follow us on our social media accounts for all the latest articles.

How To Boost Affiliate Marketing Sales In Nepal

There are many ways to boost your affiliate marketing sales. It all depends on you and your knowledge. So, it will be better if you learn a lot of information before you join affiliate marketing. If you are still unknown about affiliate marketing then let me describe it in simple words. Affiliate marketing is a kind of marketing where you will get paid by selling the products online or offline. In another word, it is just like commission work where you will get a little commission by selling the services. The services can differ from the marketplace. Some may provide domain and hosting services. Likewise, others may sell online courses. As I said it differs from one marketplace to another marketplace.

In the same way, commission rates might differ from one product to another product. Some products may offer you a commission of $10. However, others may provide you the commission of $2 or $4 who knows. Therefore check in detail before you pick an affiliate product. Let's move ahead if you are now aware about affiliate marketing.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search Engine Optimization is the most important factor in affiliate marketing. For a beginner like you, SEO will play a very important role to boost your traffic as well as affiliate sales. As you know, beginners are struggling a lot with affiliate sales. Due to the lack of traffic, they might face a lot of problems. For affiliate marketing, you must have a piece of proper knowledge of SEO. SEO will not only help you in affiliate sales. It will also help you to get a lot of organic blog traffic. The more organic blog traffic, the more exposure you will earn. As a result, your blog will slowly manage to get fame and power. With the fame and power and your readers will slowly begin to trust you. If that happens, getting affiliate sales will be just a piece of cake for you.

You can take ShoutMeLoud as an example. During their journey, they now managed to get the trust of many readers. With that trust, ShoutMeLoud is now making thousands of dollars from affiliate marketing. Do not forget that ShoutMeLoud is active in SEO works. You can check their articles. Most of them are ranked high on the Google search. This example will be enough for you to work hard and smart on SEO.

Blog Niche

Not only now, but I have also been saying this since the very beginning. You must focus on your niche otherwise it will be very difficult for you to boost your affiliate sales. A blog niche is also a very important factor for affiliate marketing. Let's say, your blog article is about the mobile phone review. For that article, you did all the required SEO works. As a result, you started to get decent blog traffic. Your article is now high ranked on the Google search. You might think it will be enough to do affiliate marketing. After that, you added some clothing brand affiliate marketing products to that article. Will it boost your affiliate sales? Of course not.

To get a decent number of sales, you must promote affiliate products according to your blog article. This is one of the big mistakes every beginner affiliate marketer makes. Since you are here, I hope you won't repeat this mistake again. You should focus only on one blog niche. It will help you to save your time as well it will provide a lot of benefits in the coming days.

Product Review

I have seen many people making the mistake while choosing the product. They think they can promote any product as long as it generates sales. What do you think about that? Will you go according to their plan or do you have plan B? If you want to go according to their plan then it might be risky in the future or follow my plan for the bright future. Before you promote any product, make a habit of checking its reviews and prices. People love products that have good reviews and affordable prices. Therefore, before picking any product do some research on the product. Read all the reviews before you give it a thumbs-up. Check how many times the products have been sold. Find either the product is affordable or not and so on. 

Paid Promotion

One of my friends is doing affiliate marketing for a clothing brand. I gave him few tips on affiliate marketing. Among them, paid promotion was the one. You know now Nepal is heating with the fever of Dashain, so I decided to give him that tips. At first, he declined to do so because he is still in the beginning phase. However, after some days he agreed to follow my ideas. After that, he did paid promotion of some clothes on Facebook. He was afraid thinking that the result might come different but after some hours he started to get orders from many customers. Not only that, I said him to give some discounts too. You know what, it worked perfectly.

People love discounts. So, never forget to provide some amount of discount as far as you can. As you know these days Facebook is full of paid promotions. I am seeing they are doing pretty well in their own way. You can also promote your products directly or indirectly through your blog post. There are many advertising networks to promote your products as well. Nowadays Facebook and Instagram are getting a lot of impression than other networks. So, you can choose any one of them as you want.