Bacha Bandhan: A Journey Through Sikles Village Life

Bacha Bandhan,” which means "Bounded by Promise," is a heartfelt movie produced by Gurung Film Production from Pokhara, Nepal. The film captures life in a simple yet beautiful village called "Sikles," located in the western part of Nepal, near Pokhara. The movie, directed by Min Bahadur Tamu and Gore Tamu, brings the charm of traditional village life to the screen, showcasing local actors and musicians who give it a unique, authentic feel.

The Storyline: Love, Promise, and Challenges

The story of “Bacha Bandhan” revolves around two main characters, Kasi (played by Usha Tamu) and Gore (played by Gore Tamu). They fall deeply in love and make a promise to be together for a lifetime, sealing it with a vow to the village's lang god. This is where the movie's title, “Bacha Bandhan” (Bounded by Promise), comes from.

At the start, the movie paints a picture of a typical village life. We see the community enjoying life, working hard in the fields, teasing one another, and making the most of their simple but fulfilling lives. As the love between Kasi and Gore grows stronger, everything seems perfect.

However, things take a turn when Gore, like many villagers, sees others making good money by working abroad. He becomes tempted by the idea of foreign employment, dreaming of a better life. Kasi, on the other hand, is not happy about this decision. She fears that their life and love might fall apart if he leaves. What happens next? You’ll have to watch the movie to find out – I don’t want to spoil it for you!

A Glimpse of Gurung Culture

One of the standout features of “Bacha Bandhan” is its portrayal of Gurung culture. The movie beautifully showcases the lifestyle, customs, and traditions of the Gurung people, which makes it even more special for those who can relate to or are curious about this ethnic group.

From the costumes to the songs, the film incorporates the rich heritage of the Gurung community. The music, written and composed by Aash Bahadur Tanu, Dev Tamu, and Prajapati Parajuli, adds a soulful touch. The songs are performed by a talented group of singers, including Dev Tamu, Dawa Gamlma, Krishna Tamu, Bima Kumari Duri, Bishnu Pun, Govinda Tamu, and Nabin B.K. The choreography, done by Gore Tamu, brings the lively dance and movement of village festivals to life on screen.

A Personal Memory

I have a personal connection to this movie. When I was a kid, at a friend's house we watched “Bacha Bandhan” on TV. I stayed there because I was too afraid to go back home alone.

Being from Pokhara, I had the chance to watch this movie, but it might not have gotten much national exposure since it’s from a local production house. Gurung Film Production brought together local actors, which adds to its authenticity, but also might have limited its reach.

A Decade-Old Gem

Though the movie is more than a decade old, I still remember enjoying every part of it back then. Yes, with today’s eyes, we might see some flaws in terms of production quality, but for its time, it was a true gem. In fact, I’d say it’s better than some national-level movies, considering the resources they had at the time. The local actors did a fantastic job, and their performances made the movie even more relatable and enjoyable.

Aauna Thagu Jauna Swargama

Recently, I came across a video titled “Aauna Thagu Jauna Swargama” on the internet, which reminded me of this movie. After some searching, I found out that it was “Bacha Bandhan,” and I felt inspired to write about it so that others who may be looking for this movie can find it as well.

Watch Bacha Bandhan Online.

You can watch the movie in YouTube. check Bacha Bandan Part 1 and Bacha Bandan Part 2.

In conclusion, “Bacha Bandhan” is a movie that will take you back to the simplicity of village life, where love, promises, and challenges shape the lives of ordinary people. If you ever get the chance to watch it, I highly recommend it!